Friday, January 23, 2015

What are you using your tax return for?                                         512.203.4200

Tax Season is upon us, and many of us will be receiving a check from the IRS. So that begs the question...what to do with all that money?

Well, here's a word to the wise. Now is a great time to consider investing that money in a vehicle that has been proven to return a harvest better than many other forms of investing. That vehicle is the Austin Real Estate market.

If you've ever considered owning property, now is the time to make the leap. I speak with investors all the time who are taking every extra dollar they can find and pouring that money into the housing market, because they see the perfect storm for a huge financial return.

So what makes it such a good time to invest?
1. Interest rates are at an all time low. Did you know that US historical average for mortgage interest rates is between 9-12% depending on the source, and now with a decent credit score you can expect to get in the low 4's or maybe in the 3's depending on your profile. Many real estate gurus are firmly broadcasting that there has never been a better time in the history of the us to purchase real estate.

2. Appreciation on Austin real estate is at some of the highest levels it has been in the city's history. Because of the demand being high, and the supply being low, all driven by the strong authentic Austin economy, property values are soaring.

3. The amount of money needed to purchase a home is at some of the lowest amounts required...ever. Now to be clear, I'm not referring to the "creative financing", zero down, and stated loans that landed the US economy is the hurt locker in 2008. That was a mess. Giving people hundreds of thousands of dollars to people who simply "stated" they made enormous sums of money on mortgage applications, with no verification of that income amount by the lender, only leaning on a solid credit score, is just plain stupid. (And yes, they did that.) The US has never, before 2010 seen the record high foreclosures that we are still dealing with today as a result of those bum programs. I remember doing loans at that time for a local mortgage company. Everyday I would come to work and stand amazed at the products lenders were rolling out. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knew it would someday backfire. And backfire it did.

No...what I'm referring to is the new FHA adjustments reducing pmi, the VA land board loans, and new zero down bond programs instituted for teachers and first responders that are great mortgage programs, and offer incredible incentives for buyers.  And any qualified buyer can move forward with a purchase for 3.5% down. If you are receiving 5k tax return, and many people are, THAT'S 3.5% FOR  A $130,000 HOUSE/CONDO! That house/condo will gain equity over time, and when you go to sell, you will make a profit!

An alternative to purchasing is to improve your home. But but buyer absolutely must know what to improve, and be cautious not to over improve. The proper investment into your home improvement project can add significant gains to the overall value of your home, and equity from the sale of your home. I have a report that I can provide showing the biggest bang for your buck concerning home improvement projects, and as the President and owner of my own company, Capstone Alliance Properties, LLC. I have the experience and know how to help you make the right improvements to your real estate investment. 

FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE....Please don't make the mistake of purchasing a new car which will be worth 1/2 of what you paid for it in 3 years. What if your money could double in 3 years? What if you could turn 5k into 10k in 3 years or less? It's possible here in Austin!

Consider investing your refund in Austin Real Estate. There has never been a better time to make the most of your money.

Call me with your questions, I'm happy to help.

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